Online Training

In modern times more and more people are traveling, often have no time for the way to a gym or simply want to train online at home with a personal trainer. We have various online experts in our team. In addition to individual training, we also support companies and their employees worldwide in the area of ​​corporate wellness.

Philip > Personal Training with Focus Strength, Functional Training, High Intensity Training, Body Weight, Body Transformation

„Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength“ Arnold Schwarzenegger

My name is Philip and I live in Orange County, California. I am a certified Personal Trainer, B. Sc. Psychology, and expert Nutritionist. I will guide you on your way reaching your personal goals and to a healthy, fit and strong body. Fitness became my passion through being a competitive Tennis player in my youth. Through weight lifting, high-intensity cardio, body weight training and healthy eating habits I reached my goals and continue to do so. Now, I want to give back to people on their journey to their perfect form. I know about the struggles and that every person is different, which is why our workouts at Royal Private Coach always match the client and meet them where they are. We are not only your trainer but also a coach that helps through every step on the way.

I am specialized on Body- weight exercises, High- Intensity- Training HIT (which is a perfect combination of muscle growth, toning, and cardio), Athletic training, Bodybuilding and Bikini Body transformation. Our lifestyle plays an important role when it comes to reaching our goals faster, and I will help you to micromanage it, by going through your diet, training habits and daily stressors.

Through modern technology, I am able to coach you where every you are in this world if you are traveling for work or on vacation. All you need to work out is your body, a laptop with Skype or FaceTime access and a little space to work out. I’m excited and passionate about helping you reach your goals.

You can also book me as a Lifestyle Change, Nutrition and Performance Coach, find my profile here

Jürgen > Personal Trainer, Weight Reduction, Strength, Functional Training, Yoga, Health

Welcome to my Webpage. As a personal trainer I focus on holistic programs and effective weight loss, strength development, relaxation and life balance strategies. In my sessions you reach your goals fast, healthy and with much joy. More than 15 years of professional experience as a personal trainer refined my style. After all this time and many experiences in the fitness industry, I am still more than excited about my work as a personal trainer and manager of the company, the success of our customers, the advantages of the individual 1: 1 private coaching and the diverse coaching styles: Strength and shaping elements, yoga, back stabilization, functional training, flexibility, agility, athletic fitness, cardio, relaxation and breathing techniques, etc. Online Training is a great way to get the workout done and also train if you are traveling a lot




Daniel > Personal trainer with focus on strength building, body weight, yoga, functional training, nutritional advice, weight loss programs and online coaching

Movement is life, standing still makes us rusty. Even when we are resting externally, innumerable processes take place inside us at the same time. It is up to us to influence our phenotype, the external and internal appearance, as we wish. Exercise, a balanced diet and the right mindset keep you healthy, productive and just feel good. I support you in achieving your goal. My training adapts to your needs and consists of the areas of fitness, functional training, classic strength training, yoga, body weight, martial arts,  coordination and endurance training.

I was able to gain a lot of personal experience in all areas and practice my training myself from this mixture. Muscle and strength training are the most exciting categories for me to stay healthy. As a nutritionist, it is a pleasure for me to look after, inspire and advise you on all aspects of nutrition. Diet is an individual thing and should be adapted to your life. I live in Vienna and would be happy to coach you online.

Education: Bachelor in nutritional sciences, state-certified sports instructor (federal sports academy), yoga teacher (200h), sports nutritionist (VEÖ & IMSB), certified functional trainer